7th Edamba-eiasm Consortium on Doctoral Supervision and the New Global Research Landscape

Jan 10, 2018
Barcelona, Spain
Nov 20, 2017

Doctoral supervision is becoming an important challenge for many institutions delivering management education at doctoral level. The emergence of a global market for recruiting of Faculty members makes the quality of doctoral education and doctoral supervision in Management and Business Studies a major concern for the coming decades.

Increasingly, doctoral programmes will be evaluated on their capacity to produce full-time doctorates in relatively short periods of time (3-4 years), on their ability to show relevance for the corporate world and on their success at generating publications in outstanding academic journals. Efficient and excellent supervision becomes a condition of survival and development for doctoral programmes across Europe and beyond.

EIASM and EDAMBA, which have both a long experience in doctoral training, have decided to join forces to create a space of exchange, communication and training among actual and potential supervisors of institutions of their respective networks and beyond

Event Language:
Educational Course / Workshop
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