International PhD Visit Scheme

EAA ARC International PhD Visit Scheme
The EAA ARC PhD International Visit Scheme provides a system to support EAA member PhD students interested in a research visit at leading European accounting departments. These visits help students to advance their PhD research in a way that is often not possible in their home institution.
By participating in the scheme, students are able to:
  • Discuss accounting research ideas and preliminary findings with faculty at the host institution
  • Audit PhD level accounting courses
  • Attend accounting research seminars and meet visiting seminar speakers to discuss research
  • Develop a network that may foster future ideas and lead to enduring research relationships
The ARC advertises visiting places that are available at specific times of year (usually September – December and January – March) and enables students to apply via a formal application process. (Information on the application process is below.).
Acceptance to the scheme is subject to a first review by the ARC Committee. Suitable applications will be forwarded to the preferred the host institutions, who will decide which students to select, on the basis of alignment of research interests and overall suitability. Those applications not accepted to the scheme will be encouraged to submit their proposal to the PhD Mentoring Initiative.
Important features of the scheme are:
  • There is generally no charge for the visits from the host institution, but students and/or their home institutions will be responsible for their own travel expenses, subsistence and for arranging their accommodation.
  • The EAA has agreed to offer a small number of scholarships (€1,000 each) for the 2023-2024 year of the scheme. These are payable in arrears (i.e., they are payable after the visit has taken place and require confirmation from the host institution). If you wish to apply for one of these, in your application, please include an outline of your case for eligibility. Please note that these scholarships are only available for PhD visits arranged via the EAA ARC International PhD Visit Scheme.
  • The ARC collates applications on the closing date and passes applications to the host institutions. The acceptance decision for all applications to visit lies with the host institution and there is no obligation on them to provide feedback for rejection decisions.
  • Students must visit an institution outside their home country, for a period of between 4 and 9 weeks, subject to negotiation with the host institution. Visits shorter than 4 weeks are not permitted under the scheme. This ensures that both the student and host institution benefit from the exchange.
  • The host institution will provide workspace, where available, access to IT and library resources, as well as other appropriate research-related resources (e.g. seminars or courses).
  • Visiting students will also be able to use the library and other resources, though access to commercial databases may sometimes be restricted due to licensing.
  • Students must be a member of the EAA in order to apply and they must remain an EAA member during their visit
  • Visiting students will be required to write a short report on their visits for the ARC once completed.
  • Up to two scholarships may be awarded per student, but the first-time applicants will be prioritised in the selection process.
Institutions with places available are:
  • Bocconi University (subject to a visit fee)
  • Bayes Business School, City, University of London
  • Erasmus University, Rotterdam
  • ESSEC Business School Paris (subject to a visit fee)
  • Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • IÉSEG School of Management
  • KU Leuven
  • Lancaster University (subject to a visit fee)
  • Maastricht University
  • Norwich Business School UEA (may be subject to a visit fee)
  • Radboud University
  • Tilburg University
  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • University of Amsterdam
  • University of Bern
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Galway
  • University of Mannheim
  • University of St Gallen
  • WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
  • WU Vienna
N.B. some of these institutions (e.g. UC3M, Lancaster) have PhD level accounting courses taking place in the autumn semester, but not in spring.
Application process
Students should send an application pack comprising the following items to before the closing date for the respective visiting opportunity.
1. Curriculum vitae
2. A two page research statement, summarising their research interests, including their broad methodological approach
3. A one page summary of why they would like to visit (indication of at least one and up to three institutions of highest preference) and what they hope to achieve out of the visit
4. The proposed dates of their visit
5. Signed approval by their supervisor that they have read the application materials and the student is permitted to undertake the visit for the specified period.
6. A short statement setting out their case for the EAA PhD visit scholarships, including an outline budget of expected expenses.
7.  Proof of EAA membership.
Closing dates each year are 28 February for visits in the autumn term and 31 August for the spring term.
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