Congress Venue
The EAA 2012 will take place in Ljubljana, the Capital of Slovenia at the
Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana (FELU)
Kardeljeva ploščad 17
SI – 1000 Ljubljana
Tel: +386 1 5892 400
The main scientific programme of the Congress will be held at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana.
- 4 big halls (150 – 407 seats, possibility of simultaneous audio-video projection)
- 17 medium-size lecture rooms (36 – 122 seats)
- 8 seminar rooms (16 – 50 seats)
- 8 rooms for foreign languages (22 – 40 seats)
- 6 computer rooms (16 seats)
- 4 council rooms
- 2 computer rooms in Central Economic Library
All rooms and halls are equipped with multimedia equipment (PC, LCD projector, video) and overhead projectors. The majority of classrooms are also air-conditioned.
Conference Secretariat and Cloak Room
The conference secretariat and a cloak room are located on the ground floor of the Faculty of Economics’ lecture room building.
Registration takes place at the Faculty of Economics’ forum (in case of bad weather at the lobby between Big and Small hall). The registration desk is open during the opening hours from 8 am to 5 pm.
The main scientific programme the Congress will be held at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana (Kardeljeva ploščad 17, SI-1000 Ljubljana).
How to find Faculty of Economics University of Ljubljana (FELU)
Faculty of Economics
University of Ljubljana (Ekonomska fakulteta)
Kardeljeva ploščad 17
SI-1000 Ljubljana
From Maribor (E57/A1): From the Tomacevo roundabout, drive in the direction towards “Centre”. Turn onto Vojkova Street (Vojkova cesta) and continue for 500m to the FELU.
From Bled/Kranj (E61/A2), Koper (E70/A1), or Novo mesto/Zagreb (E70/A2): From Ljubljana’s ring-road bypass, drive until you reach the exit for the WTC (World Trade Center). Join Dunajska Street (Dunajska cesta) and continue in the direction towards “Center”. At the second traffic light (near AMZS), turn left onto Allendejeva Street (Allendejeva ulica) and continue until you reach Vojkova Street (Vojkova cesta). Turn right onto Vojkova street (Vojkova cesta) then turn right again onto the first street (Kardeljeva) to reach the FELU.
From the bus stop at Bavarski dvor get on the city bus number 6 (direction Črnuče), 8 (direction Brnčičeva), or 11 (direction Ježica). Continue until the stop Mercator at the big white Mercator building. Local transport in Ljubljana is provided by the city buses of Ljubljanski potniški promet (LPP), which operate from 5 am to 11 pm. The fare (1 €) is a standard one, irrespective of the distance travelled and it is written on the box located next to the driver. You can also pre-buy a plastic token at newsstands and post offices for a lower price (0,80 €).

The cost per kilometre is around 0,80 € or more.
Some taxi telephone numbers: Taxi Ronda: 9705, Radio Taxi: 9700, Omega Taxi: 9707, Hit Taxi: 9701, Intertours Taxi: 9704, Taxi Intersiti: 9708, Rumeni taxi: +386 (0)41 731 831.