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Faculty of Economics

Faculty of Economics


The Faculty of Economics – Knowledge for Progress

The FELU is both a national leader and an internationally recognized education and research institution in the area of business and economics. By gaining the EQUIS and AACSB accreditations, it has been ranked among the world’s most distinguished business schools. The FELU’s aim is to become even better internationally recognized for its quality and achievements in education and research. English tracks have been introduced in all three Bologna cycles, and foreign students can attend numerous courses in the English language, or enroll in one of the international programs.

In its strategy, the FELU has positioned itself as a centre of excellence in South-east Europe. As such, it acts as a bridge between the east and the west, building on its ability to source knowledge globally and to transfer it to the SE European region and vice versa.

Apart from education, research is a key activity at the FELU and a high priority given to research throughout the FELU’s history has led to a top quality output. The FELU is the leading research institution in Slovenia and in SE Europe in the field of business and economic sciences.

The FELU is a 10 minute car or bus ride from the city centre.