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IFRS Foundation Events

IFRS Foundation Events

IFRS Foundation Workshop
Wednesday, 29 May – 08.30-12.00
Aliathon Holiday Village, Paphos – Room C2 (1st floor)

Presenters:  Anne McGeachin, IFRS Foundation Technical Staff, and Ann Tarca, IASB Member

This workshop will give participants an opportunity to hear about recent developments in projects on the IASB’s standard setting and research agendas. We will discuss the standards currently being adopted (IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers, IFRS 9 Financial Instruments and IFRS 16 Leases) and provide feedback relating to implementation. In addition, the session will outline the post-implementation review process including the up-coming post-implementation reviews of IFRS 10/11/12 and IFRS 5. We will also discuss research opportunities in relation to the IASB’s standard setting and research agendas. The session will be interactive and should be useful for people engaged in teaching IFRS Standards and those conducting research about the impact of IFRS Standards.


08:30am        Welcome

                     Introduction of the day
                     – Ann Tarca, IASB® member

08:35am        Research opportunities: future post-implementation reviews on
IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with
, IFRS 16 Leases

                     Ann Tarca, IASB® member
                     – Anne McGeachin, IASB Technical Staff

10:05am        Tea and coffee

10:35am        Update on IASB Technical Developments

                     – Ann Tarca, IASB® member
                     – Anne McGeachin, IASB Technical Staff

12noon          Close 

Downloadable presentations: 

IASB Technical Update

Guide to new Standards – IFRS 9, IFRS 15, IFRS 16 and research opportunities


IFRS Foundation Breakfast Update: Primary Financial Statements

Thursday, 30 May – 07.30-08.45
Aliathon Holiday Village, Paphos – room C5 (1st floor)

Presenters:  Anne McGeachin, IFRS Foundation Technical Staff, and Ann Tarca, IASB Member

This session will provide an update on the IASB’s Primary Financial Statements project. We will provide an overview of the project decisions to date and engage in dialogue with the audience to explore their views of the proposals.

The Primary Financial Statements project is developing targeted improvements to the structure and content of the primary financial statements, with a focus on the statement(s) of financial performance.  The project is part of the Board’s plan to promote better communication in financial reporting and responds to demands from users for better and more comparable financial information. 

The Board has gathered evidence from academia and practice that suggests the usefulness of financial information could be enhanced by changes to requirements of IFRS Standards relating to the presentation of the financial statements.  The project includes the development of proposals on defined subtotals in the statement(s) of financial performance, management performance measures and improved disaggregation. 

Downloadable presentation: 

IASB Technical Update: Primary Financial Statements