JIAAT seeks proposals for review articles that synthesize, evaluate, criticize failures, resolve inconsistencies across extant studies, consolidate, provide market implications and, overall, significantly advance existing knowledge on international accounting over a diverse range of topics. These normally include auditing, financial accounting, taxation, social and environmental accounting, and management accounting. This special issue calls for review-based research on any topic – substantive domain, theory, or method – that is important to practice and international accounting research, and for which the authors could identify important gaps in knowledge either because of lack of evidence or extant literature is dated and, thus, superseded by developments in the profession and regulations. Considering that review papers predominantly aim to help scholars and students in guiding subsequent research in the reviewed domain, authors should be able to demonstrate a state-of-the-art understanding and critical discussion of findings of extant literature regarding their focal phenomenon. Following JIAAT scope, we invite both traditional qualitative and quantitative literature reviews (e.g. meta studies).
Submissions will follow a two-step process. First, an article proposal must be submitted by June 30, 2021. The proposal should outline the subject, the novelty, and the contribution of the review. Proposals should be double-spaced and not exceed 3,000 words (excluding references). Complete papers will not be considered. Submissions of proposals must be made via the JIAAT website and indicate that the submission is intended for the JIAAT Literature Review special issue.
Proposals will be evaluated with regard to the fit with the scope of JIAAT, novelty of the review topic, integration of relevant literature, relevance to accounting practice, and mainly on the expected contribution of the review study.
Final decisions on proposals will be made by July 31, 2021. Authors of selected proposals will be invited to submit a full paper of their review article by February 28, 2022. Full papers will be subject to the JIAAT standard double-blind reviewing process.
Guest Editors:
Dr. Helen Kang, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (Helen.Kang@unsw.edu.au)
Dr. Stergios Leventis, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece (s.leventis@ihu.edu.gr)
Dr. Luke Watson, Villanova University, Pennsylvania, US (luke.watson@villanova.edu)