13th CSEAR Spain Conference – XIII Reunión de Investigación en Contabilidad Social y Medioambiental

Sep 08, 2021
May 21, 2021
Since 1997, the Centro de Investigación en Contabilidad Social y Medioambiental (CICSMA) – http://www.upo.es/cicsma/ – and the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) – https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/csear/ – support the bi-annual Spanish Conference on Social and Environmental Accounting Research.
The 13th CSEAR Spain Conference (XIII Reunión en Contabilidad Social y Medioambiental) will be held between September 8th – 10th, 2021. Due to the current COVID pandemic, the conference will be held online.
The purpose of the Conference is to provide a forum for the promotion of research in social and environmental accounting. To this aim, the Conference will offer the opportunity to present emerging research projects and academic papers in a further developed stage for their discussion and improvement. The approach of the conference is interdisciplinary and focuses on a high level of interaction and debate in a friendly and supportive environment.
For this 13th CSEAR Spain Conference, we are pleased to welcome Prof. Matias Laine, University of Tampere, as our plenary academic speaker, and Dr. José María López Jiménez, CSR manager at Unicaja Banco, as our plenary practitioner speaker.
Submissions are welcome in either Spanish or English.
Important dates:
May 21st, 2021: abstract (500 words) submission deadline*
July 2nd, 2021: response to authors
July 31st, 2021: registration deadline
* Submissions should consist of an extended abstract (maximum 500 words) and should be sent to giergo@ubu.es, indicating “13 CSEAR Spain conference” as the email subject.
For more information, check the conference website: https://13csearespana.wordpress.com
Centro de Investigación en Contabilidad Social y Medioambiental & Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research
Event Language:
Virtual Event