FARS and Journal of Financial Reporting: 2nd Annual Research Mini-Conference

Mar 03, 2022
Sep 01, 2021



The 2nd Annual Research Mini-Conference will be held online following the 2022 FARS Mid-Year Meeting on March 3, 2022. The goal is to bring together researchers who are interested in learning about the opportunities and challenges associated with focused research settings, such as distinctive industries, countries and time periods; powerful regulatory, economic or environmental shocks; unusual datasets; and unusual data gathering methods.

The Mini-Conference will consist of short presentations on a variety of topics. Presentations are expected to highlight the most important features of the setting that make the setting distinct from others, address challenges specific to that setting, explain how those features can be used to shed light on accounting theories, and/or offer techniques for conducting and interpreting empirical analyses. Accepted presenters will be invited to submit an accompanying article to the Journal of Financial Reporting.

Topics should be currently relevant to FARS members. In addition to the core research topics within financial reporting, examples of currently relevant topics might include, but are by no means limited to: (for distinctive settings) Governmental accounting, State-Owned Enterprises, Pharmaceutical development, China, developing nations, and periods of pandemic-related shutdown; (for powerful shocks) COVID-19, the CARES act, shutdown orders, retail investor-driven volatility, and political regime change; (for datasets) Twitter, Facebook, ISS, Glassdoor, blockchain, ESG, and product-market datasets; and (for data gathering) FOIA requests, internet scraping, cookie-based browser tracking, and soliciting participants through particular platforms or from particular industries for experimental, survey or qualitative work. Topics are expected to be focused on narrow settings, but with an eye toward using current data to test theories of broad interest to FARS members and bring new perspectives to the trade-off between broad vs. narrow sample research in accounting.

Presentations can be scheduled for as short as 10 minutes or as long as 30 minutes, depending on the depth of the topic. Presenters are encouraged to provide background material in advance for demonstrations or simulations so that participants can follow along.

If you have a potential topic in mind, please prepare a short (e.g., 1-2 page) proposal explaining the setting, the potential content of your presentation, and how long the presentation might take (including a few minutes for Q&A). Please send your proposal as a PDF file that can be distributed to reviewers.

A few guidelines:
• Proposals do not need to show that better understanding of the setting changes inferences from past studies.
• Proposals do not need to be based on a pre-existing paper.
• Presentations that are based on a pre-existing paper should not be treated as a typical workshop. The goal of the presentation is to teach the audience about the setting, rather than to get feedback.

Accepted presenters will be invited to submit an accompanying article to JFR. Proposals not accepted to the mini-conference may be invited to submit an article for publication to JFR. Papers will be edited by JFR editor Robert Bloomfield and guest editor Clare Wang. Papers will be reviewed for accuracy and exposition only. Acceptance to the mini-conference or invitation by the editors will be sufficient evidence of contribution.

Presentation proposals should be emailed to Robert Bloomfield (rjb9@cornell.edu) and Clare Wang (clare.wang@colorado.edu) no later than September 1, 2021. Feel free to contact us if you have questions or would like to discuss a potential presentation idea.

Initial proposals are due September 1, 2021. Authors of promising submissions will be informed in mid-October, and may be asked to submit an expanded proposal by November 30, 2021, with final decisions made by January 15, 2022. The mini-conference will be held online on March 3, 2022.

Event Language:
Virtual Event
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