Full Professorship (tenured, level W3) for Business Administration and Financial Accounting

The Faculty of Business Management and Economics of the University of Würzburg has an open position in the Department of Business Management at the earliest from 1st October 2021:
Full Professorship (tenured, level W3) for
Business Administration and Financial Accounting
The holder of the position will have to cover the field in research and teaching. Candidates should have their research focus on the theory or empirical aspects of financial accounting. They are expected to have published in peer-reviewed, high-ranking journals and to have a track record in successfully applying for and carrying out projects with external research funding, preferably from DFG or equivalent. For the specific orientation of your research, we offer attractive contacts both inside and outside the faculty, such as public finance, artificial intelligence, risk management, business informatics, political science or law, and will be open for our ideas.
Applicants are expected to actively participate in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes of the faculty – also by offering English-language lectures – and to establish research cooperations within and outside our
Requirements are a relevant completed university degree, pedagogical aptitude, particular competence for research work (usually proven by the quality of a doctoral thesis, as well as a habilitation or proof of equivalent record of relevant scientific achievements in the above-mentioned fields of research, which may also have been achieved in form of a junior professorship or outside the university). According to Art. 10 para. 3 BayHSchPG, an appointment to the civil service can only be made until the completion of the 52nd
year of life. Exceptions are possible in urgent cases.
The University of Würzburg puts a strong emphasis on the intensive mentoring of students and doctoral candidates and expects its teaching staff to be committed to this goal.
The University of Würzburg strives to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching and therefore explicitly asks suitably qualified female scientists to apply.
Severely handicapped applicants will be given preferential employment in case of essentially equal qualifications.
Applications with the usual documents (curriculum vitae, records, diplomas, certificates, list of publications, list of courses taught, external research funding, digital copies of the five most important publications) must be submitted to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Business Management and Economics (dekanat@wiwi.uni-wuerzburg.de) by e-mail as one PDF file by 29th April 2020. A completed entry form (https://go.uniwue.de/wiwi-apf) must be added as a front page to the PDF file.
Application Deadline:
Tuesday, Apr 28, 2020
University of Würzburg
The Faculty of Business Management and Economics