12th ACMAR Doctoral Colloquium

Mar 08, 2023
Vallendar, Germany
Dec 02, 2022

In 2023, the twelfth colloquium for doctoral students in management accounting will be held online in conjunction with the Annual Conference for Management Accounting Research (ACMAR). The colloquium will take place on March 8 – 9, 2023.
The colloquium’s objective is to provide an opportunity for doctoral students in management accounting from various countries to discuss their research projects and work in progress with the colloquium´s faculty members Kalle Kraus, Matthias Mahlendorf, and Utz Schäffer.

Marko Reimer & Utz Schäffer Institute of Management Accounting and Control (IMC) WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Event Language:
Doctoral Colloquium
Target Group:
Doctoral student