The Experimental Research in Management Accounting (EXRIMA) Conference aims at bringing together experimental researchers in the field of management accounting from all over the world. The conference focus on a single research method and a single subject results in highly valuable feedback. Only up to six papers are accepted for presentation to allow for in‐depth discussion by the discussant assigned to each paper as well as sufficient room for interaction with the audience. The conference atmosphere also supports networking.
Support of the EXRIMA conference by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) is gratefully acknowledged. Participation is free of charge (accommodation, travel, selected meals, etc. not included).
The 2023 Summer School on Experimental Research in Management Accounting will be held at the Justus Liebig University Giessen, Licher Str. 68, 35394 Giessen, Germany. Giessen University is conveniently located around one hour away from Frankfurt Airport and is easy to reach by car or public transportation.
The conference organizers are open to all experiment‐based studies within the broad area of management accounting, including (but not limited to) the following topics: cost accounting, budgeting, cost management, performance measurement, governance, organizational controls, incentives and compensation, etc. Only full papers can be submitted via e‐mail to The deadline for submissions is March 12, 2023. Decision letters will be sent by March 31, 2023. Non‐presenters are welcome and can register via e‐mail to The number of attendees is, however, limited. The fee for lunch, coffee and conference dinner for non‐presenters is 110 €.
June 15, 6 p.m.: Welcome reception and conference dinner
June 16: Paper presentation and discussion
Doctoral students and young post‐doctoral researchers may also participate in the preceding summer school by Prof. Jongwoon (Willie) Choi. For more information with regard to the summer school (no participation fees) visit
For all other information (accommodation, travel, etc.) please visit