4th International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Financing and Entrepreneurship (DIFE)

Jul 02, 2023
Montréal, QC, Canada
Mar 31, 2023

The 4th International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Financing and Entrepreneurship (DIFE) 2023 will be hosted by the John Molson School of Business – Concordia University and in cooperation with the Desjardins Centre for Innovation and Financing.

The conference aims to provide academics, policymakers, and practitioners with a valuable forum for discussion and critical analysis of the major issues and challenges that interrelate with Digital & Innovation in all fields of Management Science. Each paper will have a discussant. The Conference will start with a welcome reception on the evening of Sunday July 2, 2023.

The deadline for submission is Friday, 31 March 2023.
Authors will be notified of the decision before Friday, 14 April 2023.

David Audretsch, Distinguished Professor and the Ameritech Chair of Economic Development at Indiana University.

The conference is hosting special issues and fast track publication opportunities together with the following journals:
• British Accounting Review
• Global Finance Journal
• The International Journal of Accounting
• International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
• Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting
• Gestion 2000
• Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice
• Communication & Management
And there is more to come – stay tuned!

We welcome submissions from all areas of on Digital, Innovation, Financing and Entrepreneurship. Papers in an early stage and extended abstracts will also be considered. We ask you not to submit a paper that has been accepted for publication in a journal or is close to being accepted. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome.

The conference is hosting several workshops and special interest groups for which you can submit your paper separately by email to the respective chair and do not need to use the general submission tool:
• Workshop on Entrepreneurship
• Workshop on Fintech
• Workshop on Digitalization in Accounting
• Workshop on Entrepreneurial Finance During a Period of Crises
• Special Interest Group on Innovation and Capital Markets

Prof. Denis Schweizer (JMSB, CA),
Prof. Jean-Michel Sahut (IDRAC, FR),
Prof. Yang Song (Jilin University, CN),
Prof. Juliane Proelss (JMSB, CA)

Montréal is the second most populous city in Canada. The city is 196 km (122 mi) east of the national capital Ottawa, and is well connected within Canada, US and worldwide via its international airport (YUL) offering direct flights to most major cities in Europe, the Middle East, Central and South-America as well as China and Japan.

Interested contributors should submit preferably full papers in PDF files (in English or French), but extended abstracts (1,000 to 1,500 words) may also be considered if they show considerable promise, no later than March 31, 2023 through the conference website. Please note, you will need to create a free account (https://dife2023.sciencesconf.org/user/createaccount) and be logged in to submit (https://dife2023.sciencesconf.org/submission/submit) your paper or extended abstract.

Authors interested in the workshops and special interest group submit their papers (with author information or anonymized) as a pdf-file directly to the respective workshop chairs.

The conference webpage https://dife2023.sciencesconf.org/ will continuously be updated with current information. Please contact the organizers denis.schweizer@concordia.ca or juliane.proelss@concordia.ca for questions.

Prof. Denis Schweizer (JMSB, CA), Prof. Jean-Michel Sahut (IDRAC, FR), Prof. Yang Song (Jilin University, CN), Prof. Juliane Proelss (JMSB, CA)
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