IMA Research Foundation – 2024 Call for Research Proposals

Mar 01, 2024
Mar 01, 2024

The IMA Research Foundation (IRF) is dedicated to funding relevant, thought-provoking research that
furthers the knowledge and scope of accounting and financial management globally. To date, the
Foundation has awarded nearly $2,000,000 in research grants to academics and doctoral students.

The IRF is launching its 2024 Call for Research Proposals. Research in the areas described below is
especially encouraged although other topics will be considered. Proposed studies can use basic or applied research methods including analytical, archival, experimental, survey, or case study.

Up to three (3) proposals received by the IRF will receive grants of up to $20,000, based on an assessment of their potential to advance the practice of management accounting. Additionally, the
Foundation will consider other proposals for grants, although these may be awarded at a reduced

Grant proposal criteria:
Proposals should meet the appropriate IRF proposal guidelines: Guidelines for submitting research
proposals. Other than the requirements described in the guidelines, doctoral students are required to
follow the instructions below when submitting their research proposals:

1. Select “Academic Grant” as the submission type in the application portal.
2. Submit a letter from the student’s dissertation chair or faculty advisor, or the director of the doctoral program indicating that the student has completed all required coursework, is currently in good academic standing, and a timetable indicating approximate dissertation or research project completion date. The letter should be uploaded to the “Other Documents” field in the application portal.
• Researchers will be expected to produce an approximately 3,000-word article or report for a professional audience.

Deadline for Submission of Proposals: March 1, 2024, 12:00 Midnight EDT. Winners to be announced by June 30, 2024.

Event Language:
Call for Research Proposals