Welcome to the EAA Accounting Research Centre (ARC)

Posted by MARK ANTHONY CLATWORTHY - Nov 22, 2017

Initially launched in September 2016 with the goal of supporting the research productivity of doctoral students and junior faculty, the ARC represents a milestone in the 40-year history of the EAA and contributes to expanding our research community, enhancing the exchange of ideas and improving collaboration. We are pleased to announce a fully renovated platform, which includes new features, content and editorial team.

Continuing its initial structure, the ARC is formed of three pillars.

First and foremost, the ARC now includes the EAA Peer Mentoring Initiative (PMI) developed by Beatriz García Osma, Martin Walker and Steven Young, along with James Cleaver from Taylor and Francis. The PMI will help EAA PhD students refine their research proposals and enhance the overall quality of their work, by accessing timely advice and feedback from Europe’s leading accounting researchers.

Receiving expert feedback and guidance at the initial research proposal stage can have a dramatic positive impact on the quality of final PhD submissions, yet not all students have the opportunity to expose their plans and ideas to experienced researchers at an early stage. The PMI seeks to address this problem by providing the virtual means to access external, independent help and support from experts in your field. It operates via a journal-style peer review system.

If you would like feedback on your PhD research proposal, submit it via the specially designed submission system and a diverse team of senior editors will carefully select an expert reviewer to provide constructive feedback in the form of a referee report. You and your supervisors are then free to use the comments and suggestions provided in the report as you think appropriate.

We encourage you to visit the PMI page for more information – and to submit your proposal.

Second, the ARC continues to maintain a comprehensive listing of research-related Events. Enjoy browsing, filter by categories, or use the search function or events calendar. If you are aware of an event that we have missed, or are organising one yourself, please contact the EAA ARC Events team here.

Third, the ARC hosts a blog space, a repository and an interactive forum. These allow EAA members to share their questions, ideas, views and resources with our large and collaborative EAA community of scholars. These areas are user-driven and are intended to generate debates around emerging and established accounting topics, as well as to offer helpful resources to researchers at various stages of their careers.

Recent blogs include Ties de Kok on Getting Started with Python for Accounting Research and Harald Hinterecker on The EAA Doctoral Colloquium – Perspective of a student. You can read the blogs here.


New features

The ARC now also includes a Twitter feed, options to comment on the content, search features and links to the EAA’s publications, European Accounting Review, Accounting in Europe and the EAA Newsletter.

We are still experimenting with our new layout and we welcome your comments on the new platform. Please provide your feedback using the comments function here.


Changes to the ARC Team

The ARC was initially formed by Philip Joos and Thorsten Sellhorn. Philip also facilitated the implementation of the recent changes and both he and Thorsten initiated and supported the development of the new platform. We are keen to build on the excellent foundation they laid. 

We would like to thank all the members of the editorial team who have worked on the ARC in its first year, especially Ties de KokChristoph Sextroh and Tami Dinh for their steering role, and the members of their teams.

We are very pleased to welcome the following new members to the editorial team:

Peer Mentoring Initiative:

Ingrid Jeacle, editor – University of Edinburgh, UK

Sven Modell, editor – University of Manchester, UK

Brendan O'Dwyer, editor – University of Amsterdam, Netherlands & University of Manchester, UK

Laurence van Lent, editor – Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany

Ann Vanstraelen, editor – Maastricht University, Netherlands

Eija Vinnari, editor – Tampere University, Finland


Emmeli Runesson, senior editor – Gothenburg University, Sweden


Michele Fabrizi, editor – University of Padova, Italy


Finally, a special thanks to Nicole Coopman, with whom it is always a pleasure to work – and to Les Caron – the EAA ARC platform developer. 

We hope you enjoy the new ARC site. If you were previously registered with us, you should have received an email communicating that an account has been created for you. Please follow the link in that email to complete the registration. If you are not yet registered with us, do please sign up here!

Mark Clatworthy (Chair)

Giovanna Michelon (Editor-in-Chief)