Journal of Management Accounting Research – Special Forum on Survey Research now available!

Posted by Karen Sedatole - Jun 19, 2018

The Journal of Management Accounting Research (JMAR) is pleased to announce the forthcoming SPECIAL INTEREST FORUM ON SURVEY RESEARCH, co-edited by Professors Sally K. Widener, Clemson University, and Roland F. Speklé, Nyenrode University, The Netherlands.

The Special Interest Forum explores how rigorous and innovative survey-based research extends our understanding of important questions and provides a valuable method for the testing of theory. Such research will help steer the future direction of management accounting research and facilitate the development of new theories, providing interesting insights that either shed thought-provoking new light on inferences of prior research, or that reveal real-world phenomenon in need of additional research. Discussion articles set forth best practices for the 'doing' of survey research and examine methodological issues associated with such studies.

Articles are available now in the Online Early digital library ( and will publish in Summer 2018 (Volume 30, Issue 2).


Roland F. Speklé and Sally K. Widener. Challenging Issues in Survey Research: Discussion and Suggestions.

David S. Bedford and Roland F. Speklé. Construct Validity in Survey-based Management Accounting and Control Research.

Martin R. W. Hiebl and J. Frederik Richter. Response Rates in Management Accounting Survey Research.

Matthias D. Mahlendorf, Michal Matějka, and Jürgen Weber. Determinants of Financial Managers' Willingness to Engage in Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior.

Joseph J. Gerakos, Christopher D. Ittner, and Frank Moers. Compensation Objectives and Business Unit Pay Strategy.

Marc Janka and Thomas W. Guenther. Management Control of New Product Development and Perceived Environmental Uncertainty: Exploring Heterogeneity Using a Finite Mixture Approach.

Isabella Grabner, Arthur Posch, and Markus Wabnegg. Materializing Innovation Capability: A Management Control Perspective.

Alexander Ströbele and Paul Wentges. The Role of Organizational Social Capital in the Design of Management Control Systems.

Bianca A. C. Groen. A Survey Study into Participation in Goal Setting, Fairness and Goal Commitment: Effects of Including Multiple Types of Fairness.

Evelyn C. Braumann. Analyzing the Role of Risk Awareness in Enterprise Risk Management.

David S. Bedford and Roland F. Speklé. Constructs in Survey-based Management Accounting and Control Research: An Inventory from 1996 to 2015.