EAA Awards – Recipients Announced for 2018-2019

Posted by ARC Commitee - Mar 25, 2019

This year, the Management Committee of the EAA agreed that it would award the Anthony Hopwood prize for academic leadership annually. It also decided to recognise the work published in European Accounting Review and Accounting in Europe by awarding prizes for the best paper, as well as a prize for best reviewer for both journals. The latter aims to recognise the importance and value of high quality feedback to authors who submit papers to the EAA journals.

The prizes will be formally awarded at the opening of the Annual Congress in Paphos. We hope to see you there.

Anthony G. Hopwood Award for Academic Leadership

The EAA is delighted to announce that this year’s recipient of the Anthony Hopwood prize is Professor Willem Buijink of the Open Universiteit, Netherlands; and Tilburg University (emeritus). 

The Award was established in 2005 and renamed to honour Professor Anthony G. Hopwood, who played a prominent role in the creation and development of the EAA. Previous recipients of the award are Stephen Zeff, Sten Jönsson and Michael Shields. The award is intended to recognise academic excellence, academic leadership and contribution to the EAA.

Willem’s academic record is extremely impressive. He has produced and initiated a significant body of work, making a distinct and valuable contribution to the advancement of accounting thought. Apart from his leadership of European accounting departments, he has co-organised transnational EU funded research networks that have transformed the European accounting research landscape.

Willem has made an enormous contribution to the EAA in a variety of capacities. He has been EAA Secretary General, EAA Board Member, has chaired the EAA standing Scientific Committee and co-organized the EAA Congress in Maastricht in 1991. Willem has also been instrumental in designing many of the processes that make the EAA’s activities run efficiently and effectively. His support for the creation of a European management job market was a clear impetus for the highly successful EAA Talent Workshop.

These are merely a selection of Willem’s achievements and we are looking forward to hearing more from Professor Ann Vanstraelen at the EAA Congress in Paphos, when Willem will formally receive the Anthony G. Hopwood prize.

The EAA would also like to congratulate the following recipients for their achievements during 2018:


European Accounting Review Best Paper Prize for 2018

Mara Cameran (Bocconi University), Angelo Ditillo (Bocconi University) and Angela Pettinicchio (Bocconi University), “Audit team attributes matter: how diversity affects audit quality” 

European Accounting Review Best Reviewer Prizes for 2018

Sylvain Durocher (University of Ottawa) and Gilad Livne (University of Exeter)

Accounting in Europe Best Paper Prize for 2018

Introducing More IFRS Principles of Disclosure – Will the Poor Disclosers Improve?

Niclas Hellman (Stockholm School of Economics), Jordi Carenys (EADA Business School) and Soledad Moya Gutierrez (ESADE Ramon Llull University)


Accounting in Europe Best Reviewer Prize for 2018

Nadia Albu (ASE Bucuresti)

Many congratulations to all recipients!

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