National Tax Association Conference

Posted by MARTIN JACOB - May 06, 2019

NTA Call for Papers: June 1 Submission Deadline


Dear Tax Colleagues:

The National Tax Association is holding its 112th Annual Conference on Taxation in Tampa, Florida on Nov. 21-23, 2019. Leslie Robinson is this year’s program co-chair and she was able to allocate several sessions in topical areas that connect directly or indirectly with accounting research. Assuming we have enough demand, we may be able to organize sessions in:

1.       Corporate Tax (session chairs: Pete Lisowsky and Martin Jacob)

2.       International Tax (session chairs: Stacie Laplante and Sebastien Bradley)

3.       Accounting (session chairs: Becky Lester and Sonja Rego)


To take advantage of the opportunity to share accounting-based research with the wider NTA membership, we would like to encourage you to submit papers by June 1. We acknowledge that the categories above are not mutually exclusive, so we leave it to your best judgment as to which topical area your paper submission might fit in best.


Here is the link with more information about the conference:

Here is the link to submit:


Feel free to share this information with your co-authors and other colleagues.

Hope to see you in Tampa in November!


Highest regards,

Leslie, Pete, Martin, Stacie, Sebastien, Becky, and Sonja

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