EAA2020 => Join the “Shark Tank” experience!

Posted by Robert Faff - Jul 26, 2019

*** STOP THE PRESS UPDATE! #5 *** (27/11/19):

European Accounting Review joins the EAA2020 Shark Tank, bringing the shark journals involved = 12! An unprecedented access to accounting journal editors:

Other shark journals … Abacus; Accounting & Finance; Accounting Forum; Accounting in Europe; Accounting, Organizations & Society; Contemporary Accounting Research; Journal of Accounting and Public Policy; Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics; Journal of International Accounting Auditing and Taxation;Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management; Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.

At its 2020 Conference in Bucharest (Romania), EAA is holding a shark tank pitch event inviting research teams to propose a brand new research idea, seeking it to be “sponsored” by a journal editor. The shark tank event has 2 (initial) stages: (I) written 2-page pitch (based on Faff’s (2019, SSRN) “pitching research” framework for pitches that are predominantly quantitative, or Lodhia’s (2019) adapted framework for pitches that are predominantly qualitative – see pages 2 & 3 of this call); (II) oral pitch presentation (based on the written pitch) to an Editors Panel of Sharks in a dedicated session of EAA 2020.[1] Selected teams (based on editors’ votes) will be invited to pitch their research idea to the “sharks”. After each pitch, shark editors will give a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down”.[2] In those cases where more than one shark editor is interested, a “competitive process” will ensue to achieve the ideal match of pitch to journal.[3] Ultimately, subject to an agreed offer by one of the shark editors, pitches presented at the EAA 2020 SHARK TANK PITCH event, will be invited to execute the research project and publish the resultant completed paper in a future issue of the “winning” shark’s journal.[4]

For more details, please see the pdf flyer (including "supplementary notes") below.

There's only a few days left – SO get working NOW on your pitches for the inaugural EAA2020 "Shark Tank" event! Its not only a great opportunity to connect to an editor early, but it will be great fun!

[1] Confirmed journals: Abacus; Accounting & Finance; Accounting Forum; Accounting in Europe; Accounting, Organizations & Society; Contemporary Accounting Research; Journal of Accounting and Public Policy; Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics; Journal of International Accounting Auditing and Taxation; Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management; Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.

[2] Sharks are not obligated to like any pitches. Nevertheless, it is the genuine intention that every team making it to the oral stage of the Shark Tank, will have a realistic chance of a positive outcome. Moreover, some teams failing to make the Stage II event, might still ultimately be able to successfully engage shark editors offline with their proposed study.

[3] Due to time constraints, this process will likely be completed “offline”.

[4] Following a review process defined and fully controlled by the Editor in question.

