EAA Virtual Accounting Research Seminar Series

Posted by GIOVANNA MICHELON - Apr 27, 2020

With the COVID-19 situation forcing widespread cancellation of research events of all kinds, including workshops, conferences and research seminars, we are pleased to announce that the EAA is launching a pan-European online research seminar that is open to participants from around the globe, with the ultimate aim of increasing the inclusiveness of accounting research and promoting new and innovative ideas.

The EAA Virtual Accounting Research Seminar Series (VARS) will take place every Friday at 15.30 CET on Zoom, with a start date of May 8. We are glad to announce the following initial list of speakers:

May 8               Stephan Hollander (Tilburg University)  Firm-Level Exposure to Epidemic Diseases: Covid-19, SARS, and H1N1

May 15             Carlos Larrinaga (Universidad de Burgos)  Early modern accounting and the emergence of the administrative state

May 22             Claudia Imperatore (Università Bocconi) The effect of private political information on macroeconomic forecast accuracy

May 29             Victor van Pelt (WHU) Public Tax Disclosures and Investor Perceptions



People interested in attending the seminar should register on https://eaa-vars.com/ at least 24 hours prior to the start of each seminar to receive the actual zoom link to the seminar.

If you are a PhD student or an early career faculty member, please consider registering for a 30-minute individual meeting slot with the presenter to discuss your own research and theirs. These meetings take place before the seminar (between 13.00 and 15.00 CET). Registration will open one week prior to the seminar and slots will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. For the upcoming seminar with Stephan Hollander, the slots are already open!

Besides attending and contributing to the seminar session itself, we also encourage everybody to register and attend the virtual reception which takes place after the seminar. The virtual reception is open to all interested parties and is meant for agenda-free group discussions and fun. However, “places at the bar” are limited and thus, the same registration procedure applies.


Future speakers

The EAA VARS is initially organised by Mark Clatworthy, Joachim Gassen and Giovanna Michelon on behalf of the EAA ARC with support from the Management Committee of the EAA. We are aiming to put together an intellectually stimulating and diverse program of fresh accounting research. Please get in touch with us at eaa.vars@gmail.com with nominations of speakers and/or papers. Self-nominations are also encouraged. Normally, the person successfully nominating a person/paper will act as the host of the respective seminar.


Get involved!

Together with the EAA Standing Scientific Committee we are working to establish a formal VARS Committee, chaired by the Editor of the ARC, to formalize the governance and organization of the VARS initiative. If you would like to get involved, please email eaa.vars@gmail.com.

We also encourage individual institutions hosting online seminars to consider opening their virtual doors to interested audiences from other institutions. We offer to list these seminars on the VARS webpage and advertise them on the ARC. After the all, the idea of the VARS is to increase the inclusiveness of European accounting research, regardless of whether this is being achieved by the EAA or by the departments of the EAA members.


We look forward to e-seeing you at the VARS!

Giovanna, Joachim and Mark