Special thanks from the VARS team

Posted by GIOVANNA MICHELON - May 30, 2020

On behalf of the team, I would like to take this occasion to thank each and all of you, who have been attending our VARS series. It is exciting to have such an interested and engaged audience, and we sincerely hope that you are enjoying the VARS as much as we are.

Another big thank you goes to our first four speakers – Stephan Hollander, Carlos Larrinaga, Claudia Imperatore and Victor van Pelt – who did an amazing job with their presentations. Each paper unique and interesting, the first month of VARS is a good illustration of how rich and diverse is the research carried out within the EAA community. The calendar for June looks no less eclectic, and we hope to e-see you all in the coming weeks. Thank you to the speakers for accepting our invitation, but also thank you to those who have put forward nominations and helped us putting together such a great and diverse list of speakers.

A special note of appreciation goes to five colleagues who have stepped up to help with the future organisation of the VARS: Andrei Filip (ESSEC Business School), with whom I co-hosted Victor van Pelt’s seminar; Victoria Clout (University of New South Wales in Australia), Yasemin Karaibrahimoglu (University of Groningen in the Nerthelands), Irma Malafronte (University of Roehampton in the UK) and Evisa Mitrou (Queen Mary University of London also in the UK) who have agreed to help with the back office of the VARS. Some of the organisation of the series is not visible to the audience, but is clearly necessary to ensure the smooth running of VARS.

For more information on the VARS: https://eaa-vars.com/