Hello from the new ARC Chair

Posted by TAMI DINH - Jun 13, 2020

I am delighted to introduce myself to the EAA/ARC community as the new ARC Chair. I am succeeding Mark Clatworthy who over the last few years together with Giovanna Michelon has made the ARC a true success and the envisaged one-stop place for accounting-related resources. With my personal and academic international background, I have always been interested in liaising with people from different places and of various mindsets. I was therefore thrilled when I joined the initial ARC committee back in 2016. Together with a dedicated team I was able to set up the events section on the ARC site and served as the Senior Editor of the ARC Events for several years.

It is a real honour to take over the role of the ARC Chair now and I look forward to working together with Ana Marques once she will step up as the new Editor in Chief. These are very extraordinary times for all of us: not only did we switch to online teaching, home office, home schooling etc. from one day to the other but we also had to learn that our big event, the EAA Annual Congress, had to be postponed. I think the VARS initiative is a wonderful product that had been initiated right in time. Despite the current situation, it gives academics the chance to present their research and get feedback and it creates a community space for exchanging thoughts and ideas. 

Just as we will go back to our classrooms equipped with new digital tools on hand that can complement our traditional way of teaching, any investments we are making today into virtual EAA elements may also be of benefit during the post-Corona period. The ARC is and will remain the one-stop place for accounting-related resources – both linked to physical and virtual events. 

The EAA and the ARC are facing a lot of new exciting opportunities in the time ahead. We are always looking for engaged people that want to contribute to the EAA/ARC spirit. If you are interested – whether you are a PhD student or a senior faculty, a techie or not at all – feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to welcoming new enthusiastic people in the ARC Committee!

Tami Dinh



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