EAA and IASB join virtual forces: New opportunities for evidence-informed standard setting

Posted by Thorsten Sellhorn - Jul 13, 2020

Last Friday, 10 July 2020, the EAA collaborated with the IASB to bring you another mosaic piece in the EAA’s virtual events initiative: the IASB/EAA virtual workshop on the IASB’s Primary Financial Statements project and its related Exposure Draft ED/2019/7 General Presentation and Disclosure (watch the video here).

IASB Board members Ann Tarca and Tom Scott as well as Staff members Ana Simpson and Aida Vatrenjak shared their expertise and gathered important insights and comments from the roughly 150 participants from all over the world, many of whom contributed actively to the lively discussion. EAA Financial Reporting Standards Committee Chair Peter Joos, a professor of accounting at INSEAD and former Executive Director of Equity Research at Morgan Stanley, contributed the perspectives of financial statements users and academic research. Baha Diyarov, EAA Executive Secretary, managed the technical aspects event, and I had the pleasure to moderate it.

What excites me the most about this event is the opportunities it foreshadows for both academics and policymakers when it comes to evidence-informed standard setting (see former IASB research director Alan Teixeira 2014 in our association journal Accounting in Europe). Not only does this interactive format provide a direct, low-cost channel for academics to bring their pertinent research to the IASB’s attention and elicit standard setters’ views on research topics and methods. It also allows the IASB direct access to the EAA’s deep and diverse pool of research expertise. A true win-win situation!

I want to thank all of you who contributed to making this event happen and rendering it valuable – and I am sure this will not have been the last IASB-EAA collaboration of this sort!

All the best, 
