EAA SRC ‘In Conversation with…’ a webinar series beginning in 2021

Posted by ARC Commitee - Dec 19, 2020

What is happening in the non-financial world? How can academics, practitioners, businesses and policy-makers join forces to address these changes together?

The Stakeholder Reporting Committee (SRC) is pleased to invite you to the “In Conversation with…” webinars series. The aim of these webinars is to provide a platform through which we can share insights on the current and future agenda related to non-financial performance measurement and reporting issues.

We will start in January 2021. The duration of each webinar is expected to be approximately 60 minutes (e.g., 45 minutes of conversation with our guest speaker followed by 15 minutes of Q&A with webinar attendees). Each webinar will also be recorded and any of you can share it with your network and/or use it in your classrooms.

To date, confirmed speakers include:

  • Michael Bray (Professor of Practice, Deakin University; Director – Industry Engagement & Thought Leadership, Deakin Integrated Reporting Centre; Director, In-Country Engagement, International Integrated Reporting Council)
  • Donato Calace (Vice President of Innovation and Accounts, Datamaran)
  • Paul Druckman (Chairman, World Benchmarking Alliance; Chair of the Advisory Group, Financial Reporting Council)
  • Leigh Roberts (CEO, Integrated Reporting Committee, South Africa)
  • Judge Professor Mervyn King (Chairman, IRC South Africa; Chair Emeritus, IIRC; Chair Emeritus, GRI; Chairman Emeritus, The Value Reporting Foundation)

We are awaiting confirmation from many others.

Topics will include, but are not limited to:

  • Assurance and non-financial information
  • Corporate governance and non-financial information
  • Intangibles and ESG
  • Investors and non-financial information
  • Measuring and managing impacts
  • Non-financial risks and materiality
  • Standardisation of non-financial information
  • Technology and non-financial information
  • The role of purpose

Further details related to each session will be forthcoming as the dates and topics become confirmed in the new year.

If you wish to know more about these webinars and/or to suggest any topic for discussion, please send an email to Dr. Laura Girella (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, laura.girella@unimore.it) and Prof. Elizabeth Demers (University of Waterloo, elizabeth.demers@uwaterloo.ca).