Posted by ARC Commitee - May 10, 2021


FRIDAY 4 June 2021

Online Conference


The organising committee of the BAFA –SEAG is pleased to announce its annual conference to be held online on Friday, June 4th, 2021. The conference’s theme is on ‘Current Topics in Accounting and Finance Research’. The programme includes the following invited speakers:


Sudipta Basu, Temple University  

Associate Dean for Research and Doctoral Programs, Professor of Accounting and Robert Livingston Johnson Senior Research Fellow, Fox School of Business

The Accounting and Finance Effects of changes in Bank Competition


Nerissa Brown, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Associate Professor of Accountancy and Academic Director for BSA/MAS Program in Accountancy and PwC Faculty Fellow and R.C. Evans Disruption Fellow

The MMA of Disclosure Research: Media, Mobility & Analytics


Bjorn Jorgensen, University of Copenhagen

Professor of Accounting, Copenhagen Business School

Accounting Research While Watching Lots of TV


Raghavendra Rau, University of Cambridge 

Sir Evelyn Rothschild Professor of Finance, Cambridge Judge Business School

Finance, Trust and Society


A further FIVE papers from those submitted will be selected for presentation during the conference.



The BAFA-SEAG is pleased to present TWO awards for best paper, sponsored by the Kingston University Business School. 

The awards are in the following categories:

BEST PAPER award – £500

SECOND BEST PAPER award – £300

The papers will be chosen by the programme committee.

 The registration is free, but advance registration is required.



BAFA-SEAG Scientific Committee:

Prof Carol Alexander (Sussex)

Prof Alnoor Bhimani (LSE)

Prof Chris Brooks (Reading)

Prof Gilles Chemla (Imperial)

Prof Nigar Hashimzade (Brunel)

Prof Khaled Hussainey (Portsmouth)

Prof Dimitrios Gounopoulos (Bath)

Prof Andros Gregoriou (Brighton)

Prof Bjorn Jorgensen (Copenhagen)

Prof Lisa Jack (Portsmouth) 

Prof Sandeep Kapur (Birkbeck College, UoL)

Prof Neil Kellard (Essex)

Prof Osama Khan (Surrey)

Prof Alexandros Kontonikas (Essex)

Dr Dimitrios Koufopoulos (QM, UoL)

Prof Roman Matousek (QMUL)

Prof Khelifa Mazouz (Cardiff)

Prof Raghavendra Rau (Cambridge)

Prof Henry Servaes (LBS)

Prof Teerooven Soobaroyen (Essex)

Prof Sasha Talavera (Birmingham)

Prof Ane Tamayo (LSE)

Prof Shahzad Uddin (Essex)


BAFA-SEAG Executive Committee:

Co-Chairs: George Alexandrou ( and Monomita Nandy (

Secretary: Suman Lodh (

Treasurer: Salma Ibrahim (





Schedule (UK time)

9:00-9:15 am:               Opening remarks


9:15-10:15 am:             Accounting Research While Watching Lots of TV

Bjorn Jorgensen, Professor of Accounting, Copenhagen Business School

10:15-11:15 am:           Finance, Trust and Society

Raghavendra Rau, Sir Evelyn Rothschild Professor of Finance, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

11:15-11:30 am:           Break

11:30 am- 1:00 pm:     Paper presentations 

1:00-1:30 pm:               Lunch Break

1:30-2:30 pm:               Paper presentations

2:30-2:40 pm:               Break

2:40- 3:40 pm:              The Accounting and Finance Effects of changes in Bank Competition

Sudipta Basu, Associate Dean for Research and Doctoral Programs, Professor of Accounting and Robert Livingston Johnson Senior Research Fellow, Fox School of Business, Temple University  

3:40-4:40 pm:               The MMA of Disclosure Research: Media, Mobility & Analytics

Nerissa Brown, Associate Professor of Accountancy and Academic Director for BSA/MAS Program in Accountancy and PwC Faculty Fellow and R.C. Evans Disruption Fellow, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

4:40-4:55 pm:               Award ceremony and closing remarks.