Call for Nominations – EAA Newsletter Editors

Posted by BAHA DIYAROV - May 17, 2022

The European Accounting Association (EAA) is very proud of the EAA Newsletter that is distributed to members of the Association on a quarterly basis, and which is also publicly available on the EAA website. The term of the current EAA Newsletter Editors, Christoph Endenich and Marco Fasan, ends in December 2022. The new Editors will be expected to start overseeing the preparation and publication of the EAA Newsletter from the first issue of 2023. The appointment is for a four-year non-renewable term, starting in January 2023.

We are looking for a team of EAA Newsletter Editors (most likely two or three individuals) that actively identifies and solicits content relevant to the membership of the EAA and the accounting community more generally. EAA Newsletter Editors work in close collaboration with EAA leadership, the EAA Accounting Resources Centre (ARC) team, and all other stakeholders of the EAA community (e.g., EAA journal editors, committee chairs and EAA Executive Secretary).

The new Editors will need to consider the broad interests of the EAA community and reflect both its wide geographical reach and its European identity. To do so effectively, the EAA Newsletter editorial team will be expected to promote content that is appropriate, original, diverse, and high quality. Successful candidates will demonstrate dynamism and creativity to help ensure content is regularly refreshed and viewed as interesting and newsworthy by the EAA community.

The new editorial team will also be enthusiastic about exploring possibilities for further improvement offered by digital publishing technology and social media (including opportunities for audio or video). In this context, and based on feedback received from EAA members, the EAA Management Committee has recently decided to establish a new service for its membership – the EAA News and Update. The new EAA Newsletter Editors will be responsible for developing and publishing this monthly update to EAA members comprising timely and condensed information on the activity of the EAA and the broader accounting community.

We are eager to receive nominations that reflect all backgrounds, interests, levels of experience and seniority, and geographies in the EAA community.

In line with the EAA’s Governance Guidelines, this call for nominations is the first stage in the selection process. At this stage, both self-nominations and nominations of others by current EAA members are welcomed. Please send your nominations via email to EAA General Secretary Baha Diyarov ( by 1 August 2022. Nominations should include a current curriculum vitae and a brief memo describing your or your nominee’s relevant qualifications to the extent that they are not apparent from the CV (no more than 150 words).

Following a review of nominations, eligible nominees will be asked to produce a statement outlining their intent for the development of the EAA Newsletter during their editorship. Finally, the Publications Committee will make a recommendation to the EAA Management Committee, which will appoint the new Editors.

If you require further information then please do not hesitate to contact Steven Young (Chair, EAA Publications Committee) at