Epitaph to Prof. Lúcia Lima Rodrigues

Posted by BAHA DIYAROV - Oct 10, 2022

We regret to inform that Professor Lúcia Lima Rodrigues passed away last Monday, October 3rd.

Professor Lúcia Rodrigues was widely known to the academic community and an outstanding contributor. She held multiple roles in the European Accounting Association (EAA), including member of the Management Committee (2009-2012), member of the EAA Board (2009-2015), Book Review Editor, and a member of the Scientific Committee of multiple EAA Congresses. Besides these roles, Professor Lúcia Rodrigues was the Vice-President of the Portuguese Accounting Standards Setting Commission, the Representative of Portugal at the Accounting Regulatory Committee at the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group, a member of the Academic Panel of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group and a member of the Stakeholders Reporting Committee of the European Accounting Association.

As a researcher, Professor Lúcia Rodrigues was very well accomplished, having published in leading academic journals such as Accounting, Organizations and Society, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Accounting History, The British Accounting Review, and Journal of Business Ethics.

In Portugal, her birth country, she was a pioneer in accounting research, supervising multiple PhD theses, participating in academic juries, sharing her knowledge in seminars and conferences, and, overall, nurturing an infant community. Her impact and legacy are enormous and far reaching.

She will always be remembered and sorely missed by those who met her.

Sofia Lourenço, EAA national representative for Portugal

On behalf of the Portuguese Accounting Research Community
