ICAS – The role and responsibilities of the accountants of tomorrow

Posted by ARC Commitee - May 11, 2023

ICAS is embarking on a project on the shape of the accountancy profession of the future: to consider both how the accountants of tomorrow will deliver services and activities, but also crucially what these services and activities ought to be to deliver value, usefulness and insight to the benefits of society.


The first logical step for this programme of activity is to take stock of what research and thought leadership already exist on the role and responsibilities of the accountants of tomorrow.  I am therefore issuing a call for a literature review to identify, consider and evaluate extant literature, both academic and professional, on the accountancy profession of the future.  The closing date for applications is 31 May 2023.


Should you be interested in applying for this funding opportunity, further information and the application form can be found on icas.com.  Please do not hesitate to contact research@icas.com should you require further clarification.

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