Two calls for contributors to the FRSC’s comment letters

Posted by BAHA DIYAROV - Mar 11, 2024

Within the EAA, the Financial Reporting Standards Committee (FRSC) views itself as the academic sparring partner to the financial reporting standard setters including the IASB and EFRAG. To this end, the FRSC regularly writes comment letters and organizes EAA Reporting Standards Workshops together with the IASB and EFRAG. Within the frame of this activity, the Financial Reporting Standards Committee (FRSC) invites expressions of interest in contribution to one of the two following comment letter projects. The first comment letter project is a response to the IASB’s PIR IFRS 16 “Leases”. The IASB decided in December 2023 to begin the PIR of IFRS 16 in the second quarter of 2024. The second comment letter project will consider responses to IASB’s requests for information in the frame of the IASB’s research project “Statement of Cash Flows and Related Matters” which the IASB has added to its Research Project Pipeline following feedback received on its third Agenda Consultation.

Contributors are invited to join the FRSC’s comment letters as co-authors. If you would like to take part in one of these comment letter projects as co-author, please send us your CV indicating that you are knowledgeable on the topic evidenced by research projects conducted in the area or academic publications or being familiar with standard-setting processes. Please also include a short motivation explaining why you want to join the team. Expressions of interest can be sent to by the 22 March 2024.