LGBTQI+ in Accounting: Research, Education & Practice

Nov 23, 2021
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Let’s talk about sex(uality)! Often not spoken about in accounting, diverse sexualities have represented a stigma accountants would often need to conceal within workplaces to avoid being excluded from potential career progression. Current progressive socio-political trends and cultural diversity movements have seen a change in pace as more and more accounting firms move to adopt and promote LGBTQI+ diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Join Alessandro Ghio, Nick McGuigan and Lisa Powell as they engage this topic, drawing on their research and collective field experience into sexuality and accounting. LGBTQI+ experience in accounting research, education and practice will be creatively explored and discussed with an opportunity for audience interaction and Q&A.

When: November 23, 2021. Time: 1 pm Brussels time

Speakers: Alessandro GhioNick McGuiganLisa Powell.

Watch the recording here.

Optional background readings:

McGuigan, N., & Ghio, A. (2018). Queering accounting: opening up and connecting professional services firms. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 9(5), 625-635

Rumens, N. (2016). Sexualities and accounting: A queer theory perspective. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 35, 111-120.

Stenger, S., & Roulet, T. J. (2018). Pride against prejudice? The stakes of concealment and disclosure of a stigmatized identity for gay and lesbian auditors. Work, employment and society, 32(2), 257-273.


Alessandro GhioPhD, is an Assistant Professor in Accounting at Laval University (Canada). Their research focuses on issues surrounding the sociology of the accounting profession, and corporate social media communication. They are the co-instigator of the project “Queering Accounting” and “Working Women and Wellbeing”. Alessandro is an associate editor of Accounting Horizons and Network Leader for the Alternative Accounting Research Network. They received the prestigious 2019 Aspen Institute Global Award “Ideas Worth Teaching”, and the 2019 Vice-Chancellor’s Diversity Award.

Associate Professor Nick McGuigan is an award-winning accounting educator and researcher who works as an innovator, instigator and disruptor to create future-oriented business education programs that focus on innovation, creativity and design thinking. He researches in the areas of diversity and social justice, integrated thinking and reporting, learning technologies, design and systems thinking, and holistic governance. Nick is the Director of Equity, Diversity and Social Inclusion within Monash Business School where he has co-lead Australia’s first postgraduate business leadership award program aimed at further strengthening Australia’s Indigenous workforce. Nick maintains a close association with professional accounting bodies around the world, regularly working together to host events, contribute to panel discussions and create up-to-date, engaging member content

Dr Lisa Powell is an interdisciplinary educator and researcher in the Department of Accounting. Lisa has a PhD in Accounting, Graduate Diploma in Psychology, and Graduate Certificate in Education. She has extensive teaching experience across all levels of accounting, auditing, and design thinking in business. Lisa incorporates creativity, design thinking, and interdisciplinary aspects to develop innovative pedagogies and unique learning interventions that provide students with the opportunity to explore the role of accounting in broader social and environmental issues. Lisa is passionate about equity and diversity where her work incorporates critical and queer theory perspectives to create equitable and meaningful learning environments. Lisa has a particular interest in multispecies and ecological accountability where she draws upon posthumanist and ecofeminist thought to explore the ‘rewilding’ of accounting education, fostering greater ecological consciousness and more fully preparing accounting graduates to address the challenges of our time.


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Virtual Event