2024 Labor and Accounting Group Conference

Apr 19, 2024
Buffalo, NY
Dec 29, 2023

The University at Buffalo School of Management and the Labor and Accounting Group jointly invite submissions to the Fourth Annual Labor and Accounting Conference to be held in Buffalo, New York, on April 19 and 20, 2024.

We invite submissions of high-quality, unpublished empirical and theoretical research in the area of labor or personnel economics and accounting. We favor early-stage research, particularly from untenured faculty (or PhD students), that will benefit from presentation to our audience. Papers can be empirical archival, experimental, field-based or theoretical.

The conference agenda will include traditional paper sessions as well as at least one session devoted to presentations of early-stage research. The latter are shorter presentations of more preliminary work. Submission of a brief proposal (one to two pages in PDF format) is sufficient for consideration for an early-stage research session. For the more traditional paper sessions, you should submit a complete paper. Please remove author identifiers from the paper submissions.

SUBMISSIONS: Submit your paper or proposal vial email to laboraccounting@googlegroups.com. Submitted papers should not have been accepted for publication or be in advanced stages of the review process. There is no submission fee.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: The submission deadline is December 29, 2023.
Members of the program committee will review all submissions, and we expect to announce the final program and send out conference invitations by late January. More information is available at the conference website: management.buffalo.edu/lagconf.

John Barrios, Washington University in St. Louis
Jung Ho Choi, Stanford University
Carolyn Deller, University of Pennsylvania
Joshua Khavis, University at Buffalo
Joseph Pacelli, Harvard University
Heidi Packard, University of Michigan
Brandon Szerwo, University at Buffalo

Michael Dambra, University at Buffalo
Brandon Szerwo, University at Buffalo

ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO, SUNY: The University at Buffalo, New York’s flagship and a member of the Association of American Universities, is consistently recognized as one of the world’s most exceptional, most affordable universities. The UB School of Management, now in its 100th year, is known for its emphasis on real-world learning, community and economic impact, and the global perspective of its faculty, students and alumni. The school also has been ranked by Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes and U.S. News & World Report for the quality of its programs and the return on investment it provides its graduates.

ABOUT THE LABOR AND ACCOUNTING GROUP: The Labor and Accounting Group aims to bring together academics working at the intersection of accounting, labor economics, and personnel economics. We believe that this intersection is ripe for collaborative work and would be well served by researchers’ regular interactions.

To foster interaction amongst researchers, the group has an established working paper series and hosts an annual conference. The working paper repository is a location where all labor and accounting research appear first. Ideally, group members can periodically check the page and see what’s new since last time, easily keeping abreast of the literature. Our conferences serve the broader goal to continue our ongoing research working group. They serve to increase the interaction amongst researchers, leading to useful feedback on current projects and serving as a birthplace for new projects and collaborations in the area. The Labor and Accounting Group website is here: https://sites.google.com/view/labor-acc-group.

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