24rd annual 2021 UTS Summer Accounting Conference

Feb 04, 2021
Jan 29, 2021

The 24rd annual 2021 UTS Summer Accounting Conference will be held online on 4-5 February 2021. The 2021 Summer Accounting Conference will comprise a key-note address and paper presentations. The key note speaker for 2021 is TBC.Each paper presentation will be followed by an invited discussant. The conference regularly attracts leading accounting researchers from around the world, and presenters include faculty from leading institutions in North America, Europe and Asia. The Accounting Discipline Group at UTS is committed to ensuring that the 24rd annual 2021 UTS Online Summer Accounting Conference continues as a valuable event of its type in the Australasian region.

Keynote Speaker: TBA

4-5 February 2021

Please complete the registration form https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=JhyR6J_PnEqHjlJ4B76HkR90RawIeb9Lpzh_OUCNloZUNzhFRFNNQkw2QzgwT1UxVUdYUURNTEZHVC4u

Cost: Complimentary

  • As places may be limited and in high demand, please treat your registration as a firm commitment of attendance.
  • Inclusive of 2 half days of online presentations – please contact the organizer for more details

General enquiries about the conference should be directed to:

  • Accounting Admin Accounting Discipline Group
  • UTS Business School
  • Email: Accounting.bus@uts.edu.au
  • Ph. 61 2 9514 3563
University of Technology Sydney
Event Language:
Association Conference
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