Jul 02, 2020
Apr 01, 2020
First Call for Papers
We are pleased to announce the 24th annual Financial Reporting and Business Communication (FRBC) Conference organised by the University of Cagliari and the BAFA FARSIG. University of Cagliari is located in the island of Sardinia in Italy. This is one of the premier conferences of its kind worldwide and attracts an international audience. The conference, supported by ICAEW charitable trusts, comprises parallel full paper with discussants, developmental paper sessions and a doctoral stream.
The conference addresses key areas of Accounting and Financial reporting, which are of interest to accounting academics and practitioners and includes:
  • The purpose of the modern corporate report
  • The effectiveness of financial reporting standards
  • Accounting measurement and disclosure
  • Sustainability, integrated and environmental reporting
  • The composition and format of corporate reports and the role of the visual
  • Corporate governance and sustainability
  • Corporate reporting and accountability in the public sector
  • The role of financial reporting and corporate governance in capital markets
  • Historical perspectives on accounting or corporate reporting
Papers are invited on these topics and on other aspects of financial and non-financial reporting and business communication. Papers may take empirical, theoretical and conceptual approaches, including case studies or experiments.
Abstracts or full papers could be submitted by 1st April 2020 by emailing frbc@unica.it. For informal queries you can email melisa@unica.it OR michaeljohn.jones@bristol.ac.uk. Please submit an abstract and full paper (up to 12,000 words) for parallel sessions. Discussants will be allocated to full paper submissions and we expect that all presenters of full papers will be prepared to act as discussants on other papers. Please submit an abstract (maximum 500 words) or short developmental paper (up to 5,000 words) for developmental paper sessions. Exceptionally good papers are welcomed for submission for a fast-track review in European Management Journal.
For doctoral students wishing to present in the doctoral stream, a 500 word abstract should be submitted by 29 March 2020 to richard.slack@durham.ac.uk. A Sue Hrasky Scholarship is available for 2020 to doctoral students in the doctoral stream. This comprises a doctoral fee waiver, receipted travel in Italy to the conference, subsistence and accommodation costs related to the conference. Applications should be in the form of a structured abstract and email entitled FRBC Scholarship/authors name. The award of the Scholarship will be announced by the end of April 2020.
Andrea Melis                                                                                Mike Jones
melisa@unica.it                                                        Michaeljohn.jones@bristol.ac.uk
University of Cagliari and the BAFA FARSIG
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