The 42nd Burton Accounting conference, organized by the Columbia Business School, will be held at the Columbia Business School Kravis Hall on November 10th – 11th, 2023. Since 1981, the Accounting Division at Columbia Business School has hosted the annual Burton Conference in honor of Professor Sandy Burton who served as the Chief Accountant at the SEC, the Deputy Mayor of Finance in New York and as the dean of Columbia Business School. Professor Burton earned considerable respect for attempting to bridge the gap between accounting practice and academia. In keeping with that spirit, the conference aims to assemble an accomplished group of scholars and practitioners to discuss new research findings, ideas, methodologies, and trends.
TOPICS: Theoretical, empirical, and experimental studies that advance our understanding of topics in accounting.
PAPER SUBMISSION: Please submit papers through the submission link on the Burton Conference Webpage located at
There is no submission fee.
The submission deadline is June 30, 2023.
For additional information, please contact the organizers at
Conference Format: 20 Minutes uninterrupted Presentation, 15 Minutes Discussion & 25 Minutes for Q&A