7th Vienna Doctoral Consortium in Taxation

Oct 16, 2025
Vienna, Austria
Aug 01, 2025

The Doctoral Program in International Business Taxation at WU Vienna (DIBT) is happy to announce
the 7th Vienna Doctoral Consortium in Taxation, which will be held at WU Vienna on October 16 and
17, 2025. The consortium offers an excellent opportunity for PhD-students and junior Post-Doctoral
researchers to discuss current research and to receive constructive feedback on their research

Submitted papers shall have a strong focus on international business taxation and approach research
questions from a management / accounting perspective. In particular, this includes topics of supra-
national relevance.

Each paper session involves 15 minutes of presentation, followed by 45 minutes discussion through
a pre-assigned discussant and through open discussion. The entire Doctoral Consortium will be held
in English.

The Doctoral Consortium will be held in person. Participation fees of 150 Euros will be charged to
cover catering and meals. An invoice will be sent by email after participants’ registration. Please note
that funding is not available, participants are expected to cover their travel expenses. Doctoral
students will receive a certificate on 6 ECTS which may be credited at their home institution.

Event Language:
Doctoral Colloquium, Doctoral Course