The Accounting Research Groups at the Free University of Bolzano and University of Padova are pleased to (re-)announce the fourth edition of the Accounting Summer Camp. The event will be held at the University of Padova (Italy) on July 7 – 9, 2021. The Accounting Summer Camp aims at bringing together early career and experienced researchers in accounting and will host an Emerging Researchers Consortium (7-8 July) followed by an Accounting Workshop (8-9 July).
We invite submissions of papers in all areas of accounting. Furthermore, for the 2021 edition of the Summer Camp we particularly encourage authors to submit studies dealing with ‘Corporate Governance Mechanisms in light of the COVID-19 crisis’. Papers presented at the Summer Camp may be invited to submit to the Special Issue hosted by Corporate Governance: an International Review.
Authors are encouraged to submit either
(a) an extended abstract (10 pages, references excluded) or
(b) a full paper for consideration at this workshop. Original papers to be considered for the Workshop should be submitted no later than May 1st, 2021 via email ( or
Please make sure that the manuscript does not include information about the authors but that it is included in a separate file. All submitted papers will undergo a blind referee process. Papers accepted for presentation will be assigned a discussant to foster debate and receive additional feedback. Please indicate whether the paper should be considered as a potential submission to the Special Issue or not.
Participation to the Workshop will attract a fee of € 200. A limited number of papers will be invited for presentation: presenters will be financially supported in their traveling and accommodation. The Conference will start at lunchtime on Thursday 8 July, ending on Friday 9 July before lunch.
Date of Workshop July 8-9, 2021
Venue University of Padova, Padova (ITA)
Workshop Fee € 150
Deadline Submission of Papers May 1st, 2021
Notification of Acceptance May 22nd, 2021
Registration Deadline June 4th, 2021