Accounting Summer Camp: JLFA Conference & ERC

Jul 13, 2022
Barcelona (Spain)
May 01, 2022

The Accounting Research Groups at the UPF-BSM (Spain), Free University of Bolzano (Italy) and University of Padua (Italy) are pleased to announce that the fifth edition of the Accounting Summer Camp will be hosted by the UPF- Barcelona School of Management, Barcelona on July 13-15, 2022.

The Accounting Summer Camp will feature two events:
1. An Early Researcher Consortium (July 13-14) in which early career researchers will:
– attend Masterclasses held by Prof Eva Labro, Prof Shiva Rajgopal and Prof Stefano Cascino, and
– present their working papers and get feedback from the senior faculty in residence;
2. The JLFA Conference (July 14-15) in which selected papers will be presented (60 min + 30 min discussant)

Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting (JLFA)
2022 Conference Announcement and Call for Papers

July 14 & 15, 2022
Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona School of Management

We invite submissions of papers in all areas of accounting. Furthermore, for the 2021 edition of the Summer Camp we particularly encourage authors to submit studies dealing with ‘Corporate Governance Mechanisms in light of the COVID-19 crisis’. Papers presented at the Summer Camp may be invited to submit to the Special Issue hosted by Corporate Governance: an International Review.

The Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting (JLFA) is pleased to announce that its 11th conference will be held in person at the UPF-BSM (Barcelona, Spain) on Thursday, July 14, and Friday, July 15, 2022. The conference is hosted by the UPF-BSM (co-organized by the Faculty of Economics and Management (University of Bolzano) and the Department of Economics and Management (University of Padova).

About JLFA:
JLFA is an interdisciplinary journal sponsored by the Stern School of Business at NYU and the NYU School of Law. It seeks to publish top-quality empirical, theoretical, and policy-oriented scholarship at the intersection of law, finance, and accounting. Prior JLFA conferences were held at New York University (2014, 2019), Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2015, 2017, 2019), Harvard University (2015), Northwestern Law School (2016), London Business School (2017), the University of Padova (2018), and Bocconi University (2020).

JLFA is an open-access publication. Articles published on JLFA can be downloaded free of charge from

Paper Submission Procedure:
You are invited to submit your original, unpublished papers for presentation at the conference. Accepted articles will be eligible for expedited review and consideration for publication in JLFA. When choosing papers for presentation at the conference, we will prioritize papers the authors wish to submit to JLFA for consideration for publication. The decision to publish is at the discretion of the editors.

The deadline for submission is Monday, March 7, 2022. Please send papers by email to or

We are interested in research that will be of interest to scholars in more than one of our core disciplines. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

1. The impact of the structure of the legal system, including legal origins, procedural rules, and the legal environment in general, on the evolution of financial contracts, financial markets, business enterprises, and business groups.
2. The impact of legal and market institutions, including accounting, on financial markets and corporate actions, innovation, economic growth, and stability.
3. The coevolution of the legal rules and market institutions that govern financial sector activity, that activity itself, and the nature of the broader economy and financial markets.
4. The regulation, organization, and performance of financial institutions.
5. The relationships between the structure and performance of financial institutions, the performance of these institutions, and the overall performance of financial markets and economies.
6. The interplay between legal rules, accounting regulations, corporate governance, firm performance, cost of equity and debt capital, financial market performance, and economic performance.
7. The political economy of regulation of corporate governance, financial institutions, and financial markets.
8. Accounting, finance, and legal issues related to ownership and property.

We are particularly interested in papers examining regulations triggered by the Covid-19 and their effects on corporate actions, disclosures, other market metrics, etc.

The JLFA Executive Editors:
Viral Acharya | NYU Stern School of Business
Barry Adler | NYU School of Law
John Armour | Oxford, Law Faculty and Said School of Business
Bernard Black | Northwestern Law School & Kellogg School of Management
Mark DeFond | University of Southern California
Joshua Ronen | NYU Stern School of Business
Stefano Rossi | Bocconi University
Oren Sussman | University of Oxford

Submission & Registration Info
Date of Workshop July 14-15, 2022
Venue UPF-BSM (Barcelona, Spain)
Workshop Fee € 150
Deadline Submission of Papers March 7, 2022
Notification of Acceptance May 1, 2022
Registration Deadline June 1, 2022

The Organizing Committee:
For questions about the submission process or substantive issues, please get in touch with any organizing committee member.
Amedeo Pugliese | University of Padua & UPF (
Joshua Ronen | NYU Stern School of Business (
Massimiliano Bonacchi | Free University of Bolzano (
Mircea Epure | Universtitat Pompeu Fabra and UPF-BSM (

Emerging Researchers Consortium in Accounting (June 13-14, 2022)
– Call for Applications –

Applications are now welcome to attend the Emerging Researchers Consortium in Accounting. This 3-half-day event will be conducted by Professors Eva Labro (UNC), Shiva Rajgopal (Columbia Business School) and Stefano Cascino (LSE).

Relevant Questions, Substantive Theory and Carefully Executed Designs: Searching for the Fit

The ERC aims at exposing emerging scholars to the most current and both theoretically and practically relevant research trends in accounting. The three sessions are conducted by top-quality researchers in different fields; the informal sessions will let participants interact and getting feedback on their research projects. Each session will feature the following format: (i) a masterclass led by the resident faculty on a specific topic in accounting; (ii) a presentation round in which early-stage researchers will present their work and receive feedback from the audience.

Application Process:
The consortium is open to all PhD students and emerging researchers (max three years from the award of the PhD) in Accounting. Applicants should submit a summary (max 2,000 words) of their research project (either a working paper or extracts of the PhD thesis) before May 1st, 2022.

The submission should be structured (preferably) as follows:
(i) Motivation/Research Questions;
(ii) Theory and Hypotheses Development (do not use too much space to review extant literature but motivate your hypotheses/propositions);
(iii) Methods and Research Design. We expect this to be a substantial part of the submission. Discuss the data gathering process, introduce key variables and illustrate the analyses you intend to carry out;
(iv) Expected Results & Contribution. A preview will suffice.

Attendance to the ERC attracts a fee of € 150. We encourage all those in attendance to stay on for the JLFA Conference (July 14-15). Places for both events are limited and anyone wishing to attend should register as soon as possible.

Application & Registration Info
Date of ERC July 13-14, 2022
Venue BSM-UPF (Barcelona)
ERC Fee € 150
ERC & Workshop Fee € 200
Deadline Submission of Applications May 1, 2022
Notification of Acceptance May 15, 2022
Registration Deadline June 1, 2022

Applications to the ERC should be submitted to Amedeo Pugliese (


The Accounting Research Groups at the UPF-BSM (Spain), Free University of Bolzano (Italy) and University of Padua
Event Language:
Special Issue Call for Papers