May 22, 2019
Ghent, Belgium
Mar 15, 2019


For the 2019 international conference, BAFA AE SIG goes abroad to Belgium and Ghent University will host the conference in the middle of the medieval city Ghent.

The conference will be organized jointly by BAFA and Prof. dr. Patricia Everaert & dr. Evelien Opdecam of the Accounting Education Research Group (Ghent University). 

We are looking forward to welcome you at the 2019 conference, because this conference provides a platform where academics can present and share research in accounting education.  The conference includes opportunities to present full papers, as well as to share innovative teaching practices in Accounting, Tax, Audit and Finance.  We welcome two keynote speakers:

“Sharing your knowledge with the community: take the lead by publishing.”  By Professor Dr. Natalie T. Churyk, Northern Illinois University (Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Accounting Education). The Journal of Accounting Education is a refereed journal dedicated to promoting and publishing research on accounting education issues and to improving the quality of accounting education worldwide. Generally, there are four article categories: Main Article, Teaching & Educational Note, Educational Case or Best Practice.  The keynote speaker will explain the difference among the four types as well as the expected components of each type (e.g,. efficacy for an Educational Case). She will also exchange ideas for making results of empirical studies available to your colleagues, educators and researchers. 

“Motivational theories and their implications for the class room in higher education” By Professor dr. Martin Valcke, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (Ghent University).  How motivate students to learn?  Different frameworks and theories are available from the Education and Psychology Sciences.  The keynote speaker will explain different motivational theories and explain how they can be applied in every day teaching, in an attempt to enhance students’ motivation to engage. 

The program also includes a Panel Discussion, Workshops on Active Learning in Accounting, parallel paper presentations, an Editor’s Panel and opportunities for networking.  A special issue of the “Journal of Accounting Education” is dedicated to this conference, for a selection of presented full papers.

The conference program starts on Wednesday noon and ends on Friday noon.  The conference location is the university congress center “Het Pand” (Address: The Pand, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Ghent, Belgium).  Attend this conference and spend the weekend in some of the famous cities in Europe, such as Bruges (30 minutes by train from Ghent), Paris (2,5 hours by train), Amsterdam (2,5 hours by train), London (2,5 hours by train).


BAFA AE SIG, in cooperation with Ghent University (Belgium)
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