We are inviting submissions for a two half-day online workshop on the economics of disclosure, information sharing, and secrecy. We welcome both theoretical and empirical contributions on all aspects of information disclosure (or non-disclosure) in economics, accounting, management science, and related disciplines. We expect to include eight papers plus discussants in the program.
The workshop will be open to the public and all workshop details, including the Zoom information and the program, will be posted here.
Keynote lectures:
• Ed deHaan (Foster School of Business at the University of Washington, Seattle)
• Deepak Hegde (Stern School of Business at New York University, New York)
To submit your paper (in PDF), please use one of the three options:
1. Directly upload your paper using the submission form
2. Provide a link to the paper using the submission form
3. Send the paper to b.ganglmair@gmail.com (Subject: DISS Workshop Submission).
Important dates:
• Please submit your papers by November 30, 2022.
• We plan to send acceptance decisions and the program by December 31, 2022.
• Presenters should provide the paper they plan to present to their assigned discussant no later than January 31, 2023.
Organizers: Please contact us for any questions or concerns.
• Bernhard Ganglmair (ZEW Mannheim and University of Mannheim, Dept. of Economics),
• Tim Martens (Bocconi University, Dept. of Accounting),