Call for Participation IAAER and ACCA Early Career Researcher Development Program

Feb 10, 2023
Feb 10, 2023

The International Association for Accounting Education and Research (IAAER) and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) are pleased to announce the organization of a two-year Early Career Researcher Development Program.

The program is aimed at building the research skills capacity of early career accounting scholars based in Central and Eastern Europe. The main objective of the program is to equip up to 16 early career accounting researchers affiliated with academic institutions in Central and Eastern Europe with research skills and feedback on their work to help them in developing successful academic careers. The program will be designed for a cohort of participants for two years. The program will consist of, among other things, one or two workshops per year. The first workshop will be held in June 2023 in conjunction with the AMIS 2023 conference hosted by Bucharest University of Economic Studies.

Those selected for the cohort will have the following opportunities:
– To benefit from training sessions, designed in response to their needs.
– To interact with renowned scholars of international standing, including journal editors, and benefit from their guidance on research projects.
– To form a network with fellow early career researchers.
– To form the skills required to develop a successful academic career, relevant both nationally and internationally.

To ensure the program’s goals, the objective will be to select a group of researchers employed by universities based in Central and Eastern Europe with similar research interests and needs. The program will focus on the topics of financial and non-financial (e.g., sustainability) reporting, and on field studies, structured surveys and structured literature reviews as methodological approaches.

We invite applications for the program, consisting of:
1) a CV;
2) a letter of intent, including the main research topics of interest and research
methodologies and the expected benefits from the program;
3) one or two papers (published or not) authored (or coauthored) by the applicant.

For this program, early career researchers will include those at the beginning of publishing internationally (including PhD students in the final year aiming for an academic appointment) who need training and guidance to successfully pursue this activity. Priority will be given to applicants who demonstrate a commitment to pursuing a successful academic career of international relevance.

Those selected for the cohort are expected to:
– Participate in the program for its entire duration (two-year period with the possibility of extension) and attend the workshops organized.
– Present at least one research proposal during the program.
– Actively engage in all activities organized.
– Proactively pursue internationally relevant academic endeavors (e.g., engage in international teams, pursue current research topics, present at international conferences and workshops).
– Actively respond to all requests of the program (e.g., read assigned materials before workshops, deliver progress reports etc.).

Funding from ACCA Global will support the travel and accommodation costs of participants to attend at least one ACCA IAAER cosponsored workshop per year. Funding will be limited to actual travel cost up to 500 Euro and one or two nights of accommodation at the event hotel.

Applications should be submitted on or before February 10 to Professor Donna Street at and Professor Catalin Albu at Applications will be reviewed, and the cohort will be announced on or before February 20. Activities are planned to begin shortly before AMIS 2023, once the cohort of participants are identified.

For more information about the program, contact and/or

Bucharest University of Economic Studies & ACCA Global
Event Language:
Call for Participation
  • Call-for-participation-CEE-Bucharest-2023.pdf