Paul André and Frédérique Déjean, editor-in-chief of Comptabilité Contrôle Audit – Accounting Auditing Control, are pleased to announce the 1st Annual Conference of the journal CCA-AAC. It focuses on an original and different theme each year.
CCA – AAC’s mission is to publish articles in French or English presenting original research and ideas that address a given theme in the areas of Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, or Auditing. As the journal strongly defends the idea that diversity enriches the development of knowledge, it welcomes a wide variety of approaches (positive, normative, historical, critical, sociological, etc.) and methodologies (quantitative, qualitative, experimental, data-based, field studies, etc.), provided that these approaches/methodologies are applied in a rigorous manner. The journal also accepts critical observations, original bibliographic reviews, and, in general, quality theoretical papers. The journal is intended for research professors and anyone with an interest in the field.
The guess editors Andrei Filip, ESSEC Business School, and Luc Paugam, HEC Paris, invite submissions of original papers addressing topical research questions related to corporate reporting. Particular topics of interest could include:
– The role of financial market intermediates
– Areas of interest for the standard setters
– Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
– The credibility of financial and non-financial disclosures
– Corporate reporting during and after the pandemic
Submissions are accepted in French and in English. Preference will be given to quality papers expected to stimulate interesting conference discussion. Subject to satisfactory revision, accepted conference papers will be published in a special Conference Issue of CCA-AAC in December 2022.
This first conference will take place at the Hotel Suisse, Champéry, Switzerland. Champéry, a pretty little Swiss village that gives access to the Portes du Soleil ski area. Champéry is easily accessible by car or by train from Geneva. The conference will start Thursday noon and end Friday after lunch.
The Conference consists of two main parts: a keynote speech and plenary paper presentations. It provides an ideal setting for academics to exchange views on accounting research.
Conference attendance is by invitation only. Hotel accommodation for the nights of 3-4 February 2022 will be provided for one author of each selected conference paper. All conference participants will be responsible for making their own travel arrangements. In the event that travel and meeting restrictions are anticipated, selected Conference papers will be presented online around the same period.
Important Deadlines
Paper Submission Deadline: June 30, 2021 on the CCA-AAC platform (Choose article category ‘Annual Conference’)
Notification paper acceptance: September 30, 2021
February 3&4, 2022: Conference
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