The Seventeenth Symposium on Tax Research sponsored by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Deloitte Tax LLP will be held virtually on Friday, October 1, 2021. The goal of the Symposium is to bring together scholars, practitioners, and regulators working on current issues in taxation.
A Doctoral Consortium will precede the Symposium on Thursday, September 30, 2021. The aim of the Consortium is to help develop doctoral students’ presentation and critical thinking skills in an informative and collaborative environment.
The organizers encourage submission of theoretical, archival, experimental, field, and survey studies, as well as suggestions from practitioners and regulators, on broad issues in taxation. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Tax uncertainty, tax avoidance, and tax risk
Taxes in a changing economic, regulatory, and fiscal environment
Corporation, manager, and auditor responses to tax issues
The informativeness of taxes to investors and financial regulators
Taxes in domestic and international settings
Taxpayer behavior and judgment processes
The current and evolving duties of tax administrators and policymakers
The deadline for paper submissions is Friday, May 28, 2021. Selections will be completed by
Friday, July 16, 2021. Paper submissions with doctoral student authors will be considered for the Doctoral Consortium (unless authors designate otherwise upon submission). Please email a PDF or MS Word version to For inquiries, contact:
Michael Donohoe, Chair