EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Experimental Research Design
Sep 20, 2021
Brussels, Belgium
Submission deadline
Jul 15, 2021
In this seminar, a highly interactive workshop format is adopted where we discuss and practice each of the following stages in experimentation, from research question to research paper:
Introduction: To experiment or not to experiment?
Type of questions: causality vs correlations
Types of effects
Generating testable –and interesting- hypotheses
Overview and Design: What kind of experiment?
Between participant designs
Within participant designs
Mixed designs
Independent and Dependent Variables: Operationalizations
Tasks, paradigms and measures
Varying IV’s and moderators: manipulating states, measuring traits
Measuring DV’s and mediators; (explicit vs. implicit measures)
Procedure: Conducting experiments in the lab or field:
Paper-and-pencil studies
programming experiments in Authorware, Qualtrics, Medialab or E-Prime
Collecting the data from the lab or field
Analysis and Results
Importing the data in SPSS
Testing your hypotheses: Moderation, mediation and beyond (i.e., testing mediated moderation/moderated mediation)
General Discussion:
From results to publications
Pitfalls and tips in pursuing a focused research program