The EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Quantitative Empirical Research in Management Accounting is scheduled in Brussels, Belgium, on December 9-13, 2019.
Application Deadline: October 5, 2019
Programme Coordinator
Prof. Frank MOERS, Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Faculty members
Prof. Michael WILLIAMSON, University of Illinois, USA
Prof. Matthias MAHLENDORF, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany
Programme Objective
This EDEN course will focus on quantitative empirical research methods used in management accounting research (archival, experiment, quantitative field study, and survey) and frequently used theoretical perspectives including economic theories (agency, value of information, organizational architecture, and complementarities in organization design), organizational contingency theorizing (selection fit, interaction fit, and system fit), and psychology theories (cognition, motivation, and social). In addition, general concepts related to the design, conduct, and evaluation of theory-consistent empirical research will be presented.
The assigned credit for this seminar is 4 ECTS.