Tilburg Winter Symposium and Research Camp 2023
“Empowering Accounting with Artificial Intelligence”
December 7-8, 2023
The Department of Accountancy at Tilburg University is proud to invite you to the Tilburg Winter Symposium and Research Camp 2023 on „Empowering Accounting with Artificial Intelligence“ to be held at our beautiful campus on Thursday, December 7 (Symposium) and Friday, December 8 (Research Camp).
During the Symposium, we will welcome high-profile practitioners and academics to discuss about two core themes during keynotes and panel discussions:
Keynote speakers include Prof. David Wood (Brigham Young University) and Prof. Klaus Möller (University of St. Gallen), two leading experts in the field of technological advancement and its interplay with the accounting profession who are excited to share their knowledge with us! Panelists include Isabel Barberá (Rhite), Leon de Beer (KPMG), Angelique Koopman (EY), Theo-Jan Renkema (Rabobank/Tilburg University), Dennis van de Wiel (Tidal Control/Tilburg University), Emile Aarts (Tilburg University), Dennis Campbell (Harvard Business School), Rob Huisman (Robeco), Sophie Kuijt (IBM), Merel Noorman (Tilburg University), and Maurice Op Het Veld (KPMG).
For the Research Camp, we are pleased to share that five internationally renown scholars will present their latest work related to the theme „Empowering Accounting with Artificial Intelligence”.
We hope that you will find it exciting and interesting to join the discussion! And good to know: our conference qualifies for your permanent education dossier.
For more information, updates, and registration visit: https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/twsrc