European Sustainability Education: Supporting Market-Ready Graduates

Sep 20, 2024
Not set

Date: Friday 20th September 2024

Time: 11:00 – 12:30 Central European Summer Time (CEST)

Format: Online

CPD: 1.5 units NB the event should qualify for CPD credit for those in the education sector or with aspirations to enter the education sector

Cost: Free

Who should attend: Academics in Business/Finance/Sustainability departments of third level education; undergraduates & graduates in these disciplines.


  • Linda Mc Weeney, Senior Lecturer in Accounting & Finance, Technological University Dublin, Ireland
  • Esther Ortiz Martinez, Ph.D Professor in Accounting and Finance. University of Murcia, Spain and EFAA Special Advisor
  • Grygorii Kravchenko, Ph.D Head of Finance and Accounting Programs at Kozminski University, Poland
  • Diogenis Baboukardos, Associate Professor of Accounting, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
  • Begoña Giner, Chair of the European Accounting Association (EAA) Stakeholder Reporting Committee, member of EFRAG SRB
  • Lisa Gilmore, Head of ACCA Qualification, Content and Development, ACCA
  • Aidan Clifford, Advisory Service & Public Affairs Manager, EEMA, ACCA
  • Fiona Murray, Head of EU Public Affairs, Brussels, ACCA


This conference aims to empower university educators in accounting and finance to teach sustainability to third level students to best prepare them for the needs of organisations in the job market.

There are a sizeable number of EU and global sustainability regulations emerging with which companies must comply. To support this process, there is a growing need for graduates with the necessary sustainability qualifications to ensure that companies are fully compliant.

How can European universities ensure that students are equipped with the right qualifications and experience to meet the demands of the market and society?

A moderated panel of finance and accounting academics from European universities together with ACCA experts will discuss approaches to teaching sustainability to students, explore challenges and best practice solutions.

ACCA will also offer insights into a ready-made toolkit of sustainability teaching materials that is available for academics to use.

Latest Programme

11h00 Introduction & welcome by Chair: Fiona Murray, Head of EU Public Affairs, Brussels, ACCA

11h05 Setting the context: Sustainability regulation, market & educational needs: Aidan Clifford, ACCA

11h15 Moderated panel discussion with academics:

  • Introduction to panellists by moderator: Aidan Clifford, ACCA
  • Panel discussion:
    • Linda Mc Weeney, Senior Lecturer in Accounting & Finance, Technological University Dublin, Ireland
    • Esther Ortiz Martinez, Ph.D Professor in Accounting and Finance. University of Murcia, Spain and EFAA Special Advisor
    • Grygorii Kravchenko, Ph.D Head of Finance and Accounting Programs at Kozminski University, Poland
    • Diogenis Baboukardos, Associate Professor of Accounting, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
    • Begoña Giner, Chair of the European Accounting Association (EAA) Stakeholder Reporting Committee, member of EFRAG SRB
    • Lisa Gilmore, Head of ACCA Qualification, Content and Development, ACCA
  • Discussion on existing sustainability resources/tools

12h15 Q&A

12h30 Conclusion by Chair

Event Language:
Online event
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