IASB’s Management Commentary Exposure Draft and the EFRAG Secretariat’s initial observations

Jun 18, 2021
Jun 18, 2021

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in conjunction with the European Accounting Association (EAA) and the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) will hold a virtual research workshop on 18 June 2021 at 12.00-14.00 (CEST). The seminar will provide an overview of the IASB’s Management Commentary Exposure Draft and the EFRAG Secretariat’s initial observations. The IASB’s Exposure Draft sets out a proposed comprehensive new framework for preparing management commentary that meets investors’ information needs. The IASB’s objective is to provide a robust basis for bringing together in a single report financial, sustainability and other information about the matters that are fundamental to a company's long-term prospects. The purpose of the session is to obtain feedback from academics on the proposals in the IASB’s Exposure Draft. The seminar will be structured in three sections: 1) The objectives-based approach to disclosure in management commentary; 2) Selecting and presenting information in management commentary, and 3) Reporting on sustainability matters in management commentary. The session will be moderated by EAA Past President Thorsten Sellhorn. Each section will include short presentations by IASB and EFRAG staff and an academic reflection by Peter Kajueter followed by questions and comments from the audience to be addressed by the presenters, IASB Board member Ann Tarca and Vincent Papa from EFRAG.

To watch the recording, please click here.

The PPT can be downloaded from here.

Event Language:
Virtual Event
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