IMA Research Foundation Special Call for Submissions

May 31, 2022
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IMA Research Foundation

IMA’s Research Foundation is dedicated to funding relevant, thought-provoking research that furthers the knowledge and scope of accounting and financial management. To date, the Foundation has bestowed more than $1,000,000 USD in research grants to academics and doctoral students.

Special Call for Research Grant Proposals

  • We invite research grant proposals that address research questions relating to the role of the CFO and the finance team as it transitions from value stewardship to value creation. Proposed studies can use basic or applied research methods including analytical, archival, experimental, survey, or case study. Up to three (3) proposals received by the Foundation will receive grants of $20,000, based on their potential to advance the practice of management accounting. Other proposals submitted to the Foundation will be considered for grants of $5,000 each.
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