Journal of Business Finance & Accounting: Capital Markets Conference 2022

May 15, 2022
SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University, Milano, Italy
Dec 17, 2021
SDA Bocconi School of Management will host the 2022 Conference at its brand new campus. The Conference will be held in hybrid mode, combining in-person and online attendance. The Editors are grateful to the KPMG Foundation and Wiley-Blackwell for their continued sponsorship of this annual event.

We invite submissions of original papers addressing topical research questions with implications for capital markets (including credit markets) related to any of the following areas: financial accounting, mandatory or voluntary corporate disclosure (including non-financial information disclosure), corporate financial policy and corporate governance.

Particular topics of interest include:
(i) the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic-related disruption of economic activity on financial communications and capital markets;
(ii) climate change risk disclosures, regulatory developments in the area, and their impact on capital markets; and
(iii) social performance and reporting, their determinants, and impacts on capital markets.
We encourage submissions aiming to generate new insights by exploiting international differences in economic systems, legal institutions and regulatory frameworks as determinants of accounting, finance and governance outcomes. We are open to theoretical papers that have clear predictions motivating new empirical tests and/or explanations of existing empirical regularities. We are also interested in comprehensive and critical surveys of international research in our areas of interest.

Conference submissions are treated as submissions to JBFA. Original papers should be submitted at no later than 17 December 2021. Papers will be refereed and decisions on accepted papers should be conveyed to authors by the middle of March 2022. Preference will be given to quality papers expected to stimulate interesting conference discussion. Subject to satisfactory revision, accepted conference papers will be published in a special Conference Issue of JBFA in 2023.

Conference attendance is by invitation only. The Conference will start in the evening of May 15, 2022 with an Early Bird reception. We offer hotel accommodation for the nights of May 15-16 to one author of each selected conference paper. Where relevant, all in-person participants will be responsible for making their own travel arrangements.


JBFA & SDA Bocconi School of Management
Event Language:
Journal Conference