Management Accounting as Social and Organizational Practice (MASOP) 2021

Apr 15, 2021
Feb 15, 2021

We are pleased to announce the thirteenth Workshop on Management Accounting as Social and Organizational Practice (MASOP), to be held from April 15th to April 16th 2021. The aim of the workshop is to bring together scholars in the field of management accounting and control who share an interest in understanding the social and organizational antecedents and effects of management accounting practice.

As in previous years, the workshop seeks to develop participants’ research through critical discussion and to provide a forum for debate of emerging ideas and developments in practice and research. Given the ongoing uncertainty around COVID-19, the workshop will be held online.   


Participants who would like to present a paper should let us know as early as possible. The deadline for submission of full papers is February 15th, 2021. Please direct paper submissions to Claire Dambrin ( Papers will be reviewed and notification of acceptance (or otherwise) will be given at the beginning of March. Preference will be given to papers that relate closely to the theme of the workshop. We aim to create a balanced overall program, in terms of different theories/methodologies and a mix between emerging and more established scholars.


The workshop will take place online, based on Paris time (UTC/GMT+2hrs). There are no fees. Further details will be given in due time regarding the time and technical modalities of the workshop.


The online context will enable to accommodate more participants than usual. Registration is open online and will be possible up to April 1st.

ESCP Europe Business School
Event Language:
Educational Course / Workshop