New directions in the Research of Accounting as a Social and Organisational Practice

Jul 26, 2022
University of Warwick
May 30, 2022

Keynote speaker: Chris Chapman, University of Bristol

Organisers: Yuval Millo and Hendrik Vollmer, University of Warwick

The Accounting Group in Warwick Business School is organizing a one-day workshop dedicated to new directions in the research of accounting as a  social and organisational practice. This research perspective, which for  several decades now has attracted novel empirical and analytical ideas, continues to provoke and challenge accounting academics. In continuing this intellectual trajectory, we organise this one-day event. Our intention is  to bring together a small group of advanced PhD students and early career researchers for an in-depth conversation about the participants’ works, promising initiatives in the field, and the development of working papers towards publication.

To apply for the workshop, send an extended abstract (up to 1000 words) that discusses the motivation, connections with the literature, findings, and contribution of your paper by 30 May to the organisers. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 13 June.

The workshop is free, but participants will be expected to cover their travel and accommodation expenses. Rooms on campus will be available for  booking, but numbers will be limited.

Yuval Millo (
Hendrik Vollmer (

University of Warwick
Event Language:
Educational Course / Workshop, Workshop/Doctoral Colloquium